Battlegrounds Mobile India has crossed a tremendous figure inside a couple of hours of its dispatch. Battlegrounds Mobile India clients have in excess of 10 million downloads on Google Play Store. The Battlegrounds versatile game was authoritatively dispatched a couple of days back on July 2. The game has been accessible in the open-to-all Early Access form from June seventeenth onwards.
Currently only available for Android Users. The stable version of Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) developed by Krafton is now available for download on the Google Play Store. At the moment, this game is only available for Android users. The iOS version of Battlegrounds Mobile India is in the works. The iOS version of the game may come soon.
Kraton releases in-game outfit. To celebrate the milestone of 10 million downloads (1 crore downloads), Kraton has released an in-game outfit called Constable Set. Which will be permanently added to the players' inventory. There are slight differences when comparing Battlegrounds Mobile India with PUBG. In this you do not get red marks on landing hits. You have to choose between green and yellow colours.
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