How long are users waiting for the launch of Battlegrounds Mobile India. Its pre-registration has already been started. The company had already informed by releasing the video that pre-registration is starting from May 18. Now let us tell you that its launch date has also arrived.

A recently revealed report states that the Battlegrounds Mobile India game will be released on June 18. Let us know that after the ban of PUBG Mobile in India, users are looking for an alternative to it and now Battlegrounds Mobile India users will give great gaming experience.

Tipster Maxtern has shared a post on his Twitter account in which the binary code is translated to 18062021. Looking at this code, it is being speculated that this is the launch date of Battlegrounds Mobile India and it will be released in India on 18 June 2021. Let us tell you that this tweet was first seen by IGN India. In the leaks that surfaced earlier also, the launch day of Battlegrounds Mobile India was said to be June 18. This makes it quite clear that users do not have to wait much longer for this game.

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